Types of Hackers

Types of Hackers

In the last post, we read or studied about Types of hacking Now we will learn the types of hackers based on their hacking Technics and skills. So let's begin it.

White Hat Hackers

White Hat Hackers are also Known as Ethical Hackers. They never intent to harm a system , rather they try to find out weakness in a computer or a network system as a part of penetration testing and vulnerability assessments. Ethical hacking is not illegal and it is one of the demanding jobs available in the IT industry. There are numerous companies that hire ethical hackers for penetration testing and vulnerability assessments.

Black Hat Hackers

Black Hat Hackers, also known as crackers, are those who hack in order to gain unauthorized access to system and harm its operations or steal sensitive information. Black Hat Hacking is always illegal because of its bad intent which includes stealing cor[orate data, violating privacy, damaging the system, blocking network communication, etc.

Grey Hat Hackers

Grey Hat Hackers are a blend of both black hat and white hat hackers. They act without malicious intent but for their fun, they exploit a security weakness in a computer system or network the owner's permission or knowledge. Their intent is to bring the weakness to the attention of the owners and getting appreciation or a little bounty from the owners.

Miscellaneous Hackers

Apart from the above well-known classes of hackers, we have the following categories of hackers based on what they hack and how they do it.-

Red Hat Hackers

Red Hat Hackers are again a blend of both black and white hat hackers. They are usually on the level of hacking government agencies, top-secret information hubs, and generally anything that falls under the category of serving information.

Blue Hat Hackers

A blue Hat Hacker is someone outside computer security consulting firms who is used to bug-test  a system prior to its launch. They look for loopholes that can be exploited and try to close these gaps. Microsoft also uses the term Blue Hat to represent a series of security briefing events.

Elite Hackers

This is a social status among hackers. which is used to describe the most skilled. Newly discovered exploits will circulate among these hackers.

Script Kiddie

A script Kiddie is a non-expert who breaks into computer system by using pre-packaged automated tools written by others, usually with little understanding of the underlying concept, hence the term kiddie.


A neophyte, "NOOB", or "newbie" or " Green Hat Hacker" is someone who is new to hacking or phreaking and has almost no knowledge or experience of the working of technology and hacking.


A Hacktivist is a hacker who utilizes technology to announce a social, ideological,religious, or political message. In general, most hacktivism involves website defacement or denial-of-service attack.

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